Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photos. Show all posts

Thursday, 3 October 2013

some more photos from September

At the Merry Baker's eating bunny chow! It is half a bread loaf filled with curry!

The tunnel in St Georges under the hill connecting the two sides of town.

It was for females only orignally, so the men had to walk over the hill. Cock up with camera!

Andy and Bettina on the top deck of the Buzzard.

Andy waiting for the bus in the rum shop.

Nimrod's rum shop, also the bus stop.

The great poster in Nimrod's!

A selection of photos from September in Grenada

Phil's 70th birthday on Hog Island.. Just love his t-shirt!

A group photo at the party.

First lobster of the season, just a bit early, the season starts in September.

Toby and the kids enjoyed themselves digging holes all over the beach.

The band

With the addition of bongo drums and a singer!

The birthday boy with his cake

Later on with singing and dancing

On board The Flying Buzzard for Mike's 60th birthday.

A photo from the bridge deck looking down on the top deck.

Me with Johanne and Julie on board The Buzzard.

Andy playing at Clarkes Court marina with Country Dave and friends.

First lobster of the season.

A view from the top of our mast with Hog Island in the distance.

Top of the mast looking east.

Looking towards Clarkes Court Bay.

Andy up there changing a light bulb!